Lessons From The Journey: Overcoming Disappointment & Discouragement

weekly advantage Mar 14, 2023

Over our church’s 18-year journey there have been many times I have found myself walking through seasons of disappointment and discouragement. While these seasons are common in our lives here on earth, it doesn’t make them any less challenging. Yet what I have learned along the way is these seasons are purposeful and help us to grow if we walk through them the right way – God’s way. 

We have all faced times of disappointment and discouragement, much like our spiritual ancestors - Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Paul, and so many more. Disappointment comes into our lives when we feel our hopes and expectations fall short. Discouragement sets in when we lose confidence, courage, or the strength to keep moving forward. In fact, the word discourage in its simplest form literally means “the opposite of courage.” So how do we overcome disappointment and discouragement God’s way? 

In God’s Word there is no shortage of encouragement in times of trouble and difficulty. If we search the Scriptures, we will discover numerous commands from God to “be courageous.” One of my favorites is found in Joshua 1:9, in fact this verse means so much to me that it was my kids first memory verse “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” It is among the verses I turn to when I am discouraged or disappointed – there is no greater comfort or encouragement than knowing God is with me wherever I go. 

Remembering God’s promises, like this one, helps us overcome disappointment and discouragement in our lives. Whatever we face, we must remember we are working for the Lord and the battle and victory belongs to Him!   

May we seek His face and refocus our eyes on Him and His work, so we can overcome disappointment and discouragement when it comes into our lives, our families, our workplace, and our ministry. May we remember God’s promises and trust His Word as we join Him in His work for the next 18 years and beyond! 


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