Worship is a Lifestyle – The Overflow of Relationship

As we have made our way through A Year to a Better You one fact should be abundantly clear – God is completely in love with you! In response to His great love, you have likely come to trust Him and fallen in love with Him – a place that allows you to move from duty to devotion, drudgery to desire. 

It should come as no surprise that our relationship with God overflows in worship – a lifestyle expressed through service, affirmation, gift-giving, singing, dancing, and even shouting. Living God’s way produces the confidence, purity, and strength we need to become warriors in God’s kingdom. 

In Isaiah 38:19, Hezekiah is quoted, “Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation can make known your faithfulness to the next.” Worship allows us to tell the next generation of the faithfulness of God and is an act of warfare against our enemy. It has the power to help us fight against the power of darkness and send the devil scurrying away. When we praise God, we strip the enemy of power over our bodies and our souls. Nothing can separate us from God’s presence.

Worship is the highest priority of the believer because the one thing God wants more than anything is our hearts. True worship comes from hearts connected with God whether corporately (increasing our faith) or personally (cultivating an attitude of worship). As we surrender control to God, we experience His Presence more and more and gain the ability to live as He desires. May we remember that our God only has good things for us as His kids but we can never truly worship until we honestly say, “God have your way.”


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