Storing Up Treasure in Heaven

Sep 05, 2023

This month, we are doing a Financial Fast to better understand how to honor God with our Financial Management. What exactly does that mean? It means we will be learning or reminding ourselves how we honor God by managing (stewarding) the finances He has given to us.

Let’s start this week by unlearning the wrongs we have been taught about...

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Serving and Putting Others First

Aug 24, 2023

Prayer, fasting, giving, and generosity are all spiritual disciplines we’ve explored this month, let’s end the month with one final and very significant spiritual discipline – serving others and putting others first. In Galatians 5:13, we read, “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an...

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God Rewards Generosity

Aug 20, 2023

We’ve learned much about spiritual disciplines, particularly how fasting and prayer can help us grow in our relationship with Christ. Let’s keep going and learn more about the spiritual discipline of giving and generosity. While you might not think of it as spiritual discipline at first, it is. Why? God rewards generosity....

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How Does Fasting Help Grow a Deeper Relationship With God?

Aug 14, 2023

As we continue our efforts at spiritual disciplines, this week let’s look at fasting. Fasting is a discipline we see used by God’s people throughout history. Fasting is often denying ourselves food so that we can focus our attention on God. Many people chose to fast and pray together. Fasting does not always mean going without food...

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Embrace the Power of Prayer - Make it a Priority!

Aug 07, 2023

Last week, we talked about the importance of spiritual discipline in our lives as believers. As you pondered spiritual disciplines, did you find an area in which you needed help or guidance? One area in which all believers need help at one time, or another is prayer. Why? The fast-paced world we live in is often one of anxiety and stress. Yet in...

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Practice Being a Successful Disciple of Christ

Jul 30, 2023

In the rush to live our lives, we sometimes overlook the guidelines God has given us so that we can live our best life in Him! In order to be a successful disciple of Christ and live the abundant life He wants for us; our lives should be defined by the spiritual disciplines of His Word. What comes to mind when you think of the word discipline?


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Are You On Empty? Prioritizing Your Rest.

Jul 24, 2023

We’ve learned much about keeping the Sabbath rest, God’s command for our benefit. It is truly a precious gift. In fact, we weren’t made for the Sabbath, but rather the Sabbath was made for us. God didn’t create us so there would be creatures to honor His Sabbath – He created the Sabbath as a gift to His beloved...

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Are You Addicted To Busyness?

Jul 17, 2023

As we continue our efforts to keep the Sabbath, let’s read this quote from Stephen Covey (businessman, educator, author), “People expect us to be busy, overworked. It’s become a status symbol in our society—if we are busy, we’re important; if we’re not busy, we’re almost embarrassed to admit it.”...

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Fresh & Flourishing In God's Presence

Jul 10, 2023

Last week, we discovered rest is serious business to God. Were you able to find time to rest, refuel, and reconnect with God, in other words, to observe the Sabbath as God commands? If you were, awesome! Keep it up in the coming week. If you struggled finding that time, let’s learn more to help you claim your day of rest.

I can see you...

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The Forgotten Commandment

Jul 02, 2023

We’ve learned much about keeping the Sabbath rest, God’s command for our benefit. It is truly a precious gift. In fact, we weren’t made for the Sabbath, but rather the Sabbath was made for us. God didn’t create us so there would be creatures to honor His Sabbath – He created the Sabbath as a gift to His beloved...

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