Christmas is Generosity

Dec 26, 2023

Christmas is special. Christmas is for everyone. Christmas offers the greatest gifts we can ever receive. Christmas is generosity. Luke, in Acts 15:11, tells us, “We are saved because the Master Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us...” John testifies similarly in John 1:16, “We all live off God’s...

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Living Life as a Thank You Gift to God

Nov 28, 2023

In our efforts to live generous thankful lives – lives of thanksgiving – we need to learn to live life as a thank you gift to God. In Psalm 50:23a, God testifies to this truth, “The sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart.” 

As believers, it is our duty to be thankful simply because of who God is! “The...

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Thanksgiving is Radical Generosity

Nov 20, 2023

As we continue to move toward living a life of thanksgiving, we need to adopt this truth in our lives – thanksgiving is radical generosity – and put it into practice! In Proverbs 11:24, we read this incredible promise which comes with a warning, “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets...

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Generosity is Love in Action

Nov 13, 2023

Knowing a thankful heart is a generous heart, we need to teach and model generosity to others. Why? Generosity is love in action! In John 1:16, John testifies to this truth, “We all live off God’s generous bounty, gift after gift after gift.” In turn, our generosity displays God’s character as Paul explains in 2...

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God Rewards Generosity

Aug 20, 2023

We’ve learned much about spiritual disciplines, particularly how fasting and prayer can help us grow in our relationship with Christ. Let’s keep going and learn more about the spiritual discipline of giving and generosity. While you might not think of it as spiritual discipline at first, it is. Why? God rewards generosity....

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