Are You On Empty? Prioritizing Your Rest.

Jul 24, 2023

We’ve learned much about keeping the Sabbath rest, God’s command for our benefit. It is truly a precious gift. In fact, we weren’t made for the Sabbath, but rather the Sabbath was made for us. God didn’t create us so there would be creatures to honor His Sabbath – He created the Sabbath as a gift to His beloved...

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Are You Addicted To Busyness?

Jul 17, 2023

As we continue our efforts to keep the Sabbath, let’s read this quote from Stephen Covey (businessman, educator, author), “People expect us to be busy, overworked. It’s become a status symbol in our society—if we are busy, we’re important; if we’re not busy, we’re almost embarrassed to admit it.”...

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