[Podcast] What is God Doing? Part 5

Apr 05, 2021

In this episode, we’ll examine the reasons why God allows us to walk through valleys of despair in our walk with Him. From Job’s example, we can see that God wants to test and refine our heart of worship towards Him. Will we still declare that He is worthy, even in the midst of the most difficult seasons of our lives?


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[Podcast] If God Is Good, Why Is There Evil In The World? Part 4

Apr 05, 2021

Join us for part 4 of the “If God is Good, Why Is There Evil in The World” series. Learn why we suffer and how it came about from our own sinful choices. Discover why God gave us free will, what He desires us to do with it, and how He uses our pain and suffering to mold us and glorify Himself.

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[Podcast] What is God Doing? Part 4

Apr 05, 2021

In this episode, we’ll continue our What is God Doing? series, with the topic, “Seeing Through Suffering.” Job was able to see past his circumstances and still believe in a God who had his best interest at heart. We can do the same when we recognize that God’s plan for each and every one of us includes suffering in some...

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[Podcast] What is God Doing? Part 3

Apr 05, 2021

In this episode, we’ll continue our What is God Doing? series by examining Job’s emotional honesty before God. God wants our grief, our sorrow, and our confusion—He doesn’t want us to pretend or hide it from Him. When Job finally speaks out after his tragedy, he is vulnerable and authentic before God, because he trusts...

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[Podcast] What is God Doing? Part 1

Apr 05, 2021

In this podcast, Bishop Van Moody explores the story of Job, unpacking the guidance it has for us in the midst of a turbulent season of pain and crisis. The very suffering that tempts us to question God is the evidence that His heart is to promote us to different levels of faith!

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[Podcast] When God Goes Off Script Part 3

Jan 18, 2021

 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”—2 Corinthians 1:3-4

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[Podcast] When God Goes Off Script Part 2

Jan 11, 2021

“This is why we don’t just give up when the worst happens—because God has a way of taking what the enemy meant for bad and turning it around and making it mean our good.” —Van Moody

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[Podcast] When God Goes Off Script Part 1

Jan 04, 2021

“To be a leader on any level means that you are going to be aware of some of the most disappointing things about people.” —Van Moody

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Forgiveness and the Gospel

Aug 31, 2020

Forgiveness is the heart of the gospel. Yet, so many believers walk in unforgiveness towards others. Why is this? I’ve found that, in most cases, it’s due to the fact that we don’t fully grasp or appreciate the truth of the gospel—the essential nature of the forgiveness we’ve been gifted.

The core message of the...

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Turning Aside

Aug 24, 2020

God has something He wants to show you.

How do I know this? Because God has something He wants to say to each and every one of us. We see this principle at play in the story of Moses in Exodus 3. At this point in his life, Moses is a murderer living on the backside of the desert. He’s not a poster child for righteousness, but we see that...

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