The Bible Offers Excellent Advice For The Times We Struggle

May 11, 2023

We talked about our minds last week, specifically aligning our thoughts with Christ’s thoughts. Along with our minds, our will and emotions are equally important to our overall health and wellness. Why?  Remember, our mental health is the way our thoughts affect our feelings, which in turn affect our behaviors, and ultimately our...

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Look Through God's Perspective- Mental Health Awareness

May 03, 2023

Last week, we discovered our three parts – spirit, soul, and body – and learned that our mental health is the way our thoughts affect our feelings, which in turn affect our behaviors, and ultimately our lives. Most importantly, we found God can help us with our thoughts in our quest for better health. Let’s dig a little deeper...

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Apr 26, 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness month. Mental health includes our emotional, social, and psychological wellness and may affect all areas of our lives including how we think, how we act, how we handle stress, the choices we make, and how we relate to and treat others. Each year millions of Americans struggle with a variety of mental health...

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Jesus - The Eternally Reigning King

Apr 24, 2023

As April comes to close, let us celebrate together the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus our eternally reigning KING! In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel, speaking on behalf of God the Father, declared Jesus as King when he said,  “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be...

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Jesus's Resurrection

Apr 18, 2023

In 1 Corinthians 15: 3-8, Paul proclaims, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more...

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Jesus's Death

Apr 08, 2023

Last week, we explored the greatness of Jesus as we looked at His life and earthly ministry, but we know His life ended abruptly as He carried out God’s plan to restore, renew, and repair our relationship with Him. Jesus was tried, sentenced, flogged, and crucified. Roman crucifixion was horrific, crafted to shame the victim and designed...

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Jesus’s Life

Apr 05, 2023

As we begin this month, knowing what is going on around the world, let’s remind ourselves of this truth – Jesus is still King! He is in control and the message of his life, sacrifice, and resurrection have never been more timely or significant. In the coming weeks, we will explore how we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus is...

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Lessons from The Journey: Keep Dreaming

Mar 29, 2023

As this month comes to a close, we find ourselves 18 years in and anticipate the best is yet to come. Often, after many years, leaders and people arrive at a point in life where they stop playing offense and begin to play defense – in other words, they stop dreaming!

We have to keep dreaming – playing offense toward expansion and...

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Lessons From The Journey: Covenant Partners vs Halfway Friends

Mar 15, 2023

Some of those who began the journey with us 18 years ago are not with us now and that is okay. The journey to anything significant is long and often involves different people entering and exiting along the journey. The People Factor is a huge part of the journey. We must learn to love those who leave in the midst of the journey and welcome those...

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Lessons From The Journey: Overcoming Disappointment & Discouragement

Mar 14, 2023

Over our church’s 18-year journey there have been many times I have found myself walking through seasons of disappointment and discouragement. While these seasons are common in our lives here on earth, it doesn’t make them any less challenging. Yet what I have learned along the way is these seasons are purposeful and help us to grow...

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